Committee Meeting
9th March 2023
29th March 2023 8.15pm St. Mark's Community Association
Members are invited to attend from 7:30pm to hear the orchestra rehearse.
Links to SSO documents for members:
Chair's Reports
As the restrictions for indoor gatherings have been gradually lifted the orchestra has taken a very cautious approach to re convening at West Park Church for rehearsal purposes...
No one needs me to tell them what a strange year it has been so I will oblige by not doing so...
We were so close to a cautious return to small orchestra rehearsals. The plan was to start sessions of six players maximum...
Since my last report in May the orchestra committee has met and the weekly tea break meetings have continued a pace with generally twenty members popping in each week...
Since our last concert and the virtual AGM that so many of you participated in, the following actions have been taken by the committee and a wider group of orchestra members...